Channel 33 Features Cowgirl Chicks and Mesquite Rodeo

Inside the Mesquite Rodeo


By Roni Proter/The 33 News

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to ride a bull, be a rodeo clown or stand on a horse traveling 30 miles an hour while crowds cheer you on? The team at the Mesquite Rodeo welcomed me to the arena to show me some of their tricks and show me the ropes.

I first met with the Cowgirl Chicks, led by Trish Lynn, a group of young women tougher than any cowboys I’ve ever seen. The train rescued horses who have been neglected or abused. And what they can do on these animals is remarkable. They showed me some of their tricks, from the Pony Express to the Fender. One trick rider even stood on two horses and jumped a rod. With grace and courage they ride, and they taught me a cple of simple moves. I was incredibly impressed with their skills and atheticism!

Then Rudy Burns, a rodeo clown, put make up on me and got me dressed in a funny get up. And while it looks silly, his ob is serious. The 40 year rodeo veteran is responsible for keeping cowboys safe ehwn they’re bull riding. He showed me how to jump into a 100 pound aluminum drum that bulhit and pound when they charge the arena. He even has a scar across his chin that took 40 stitches to sew up after a bull attacked him. His love and respect for the animals he works with is remarkable!

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